Banking & Finance Industry
"Jenz opened new communication possibilities in an easy and user-friendly manner. In the first three months of using Jenz, 42% of our employees say they are more productive. We truly see it as a solution that helps develop stronger connections among our valuable team members. "
Ivan Šimičević
Board Member

Client Statistics


of employees know their colleagues better.


use the app several times a week or more!


believe that Jenz has made the company more transparent.

More testimonials

“Since team spirit is one of our core values, Jenz makes us feel even more like a part of the OTP family. Through Jenz, we got a modern but simultaneously simple multimedia communication channel in which we receive information extremely fast. It enables us to exchange our experiences from work and private life and give each other kudos and support. Jenz is a channel on which we build our culture, open communication, and get to know each other.”

Szabolcs Annus
Board Member at OTP Bank

“It makes us feel like we are part of the digital and agile transformation. Jenz is not only helpful and informative but also fun and intuitive, and for many people, it is a natural step into a digital future that has already begun.”

Ivan Šimičević
Board Member at OTP Bank

“It has become an integral part of our bank’s digitization process. We can become a bank of the future by starting from ourselves and using modern technology, like dynamic and interactive internal communication app. According to the number of posts and Jenz users, I believe we are on the right track.”

Balázs Békeffy
Board Member at OTP bank


To: Corporate Comms

I’m thrilled with OTP’s internal social network. My colleagues recognize me in an elevator, even with my mask on. They immediately asked me about the info I shared on Jenz. We managed to connect even more in this short period. We share happiness. All praises!

To: Board

I have an idea for our kids. Kids hangout day! So, let’s help our future generation find peers with similar interests.

To: Board

Thank you for your recommendation. We tried to incorporate our coworkers’ kids by organizing a Christmas show, which took part before the pandemic. Last two years, we have been organizing contests for children’s works and online exhibitions. We will surely continue developing this kind of activity.